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    Contact Information

    Walsall Council
    Council House
    Lichfield Street
    WS1 1TW

    01922 650000



    Home Page

    Welcome to the Council’s Committee Management and Information System (known as CMIS). 

    Here you will be able to find information about the Council and the Councillors who represent you.  You can find out who sits on which Committees, examine agendas, minutes and reports for meetings and find out how to contact your local Councillor. 

    Registering to our Committee Management System will allow you to subscribe for notifications on committee papers, decisions being made in your area and submit Petitions to our team. Non- Registration will still allow you to view public documents/information for Committee Meetings.

    Use the links below to navigate around this site: 

    Committees for information on Council, Cabinet and Committees, such as times, venues, agendas, minutes and reports.

    Councillors gives details of Walsall Councillors and the people who serve on Committees.

    Documents contains Walsall Council's Constitution, Forward Plan and other items of general public interest.

    Outside bodies lists the appointments or nominations the Council makes to various other organisations.

    Meetings gives a calendar view of meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees.

    Search will search all documents on CMIS for keywords.

    E-Petitions is a link to the Council's e-Petitions facility.

    Accessibility is a link to the Council's accessibility statement.

    We are committed to maintaining the accuracy of information on this site. Please contact us to report any problems or issues.