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    • Details
    • Signatures
    • Response to Petition
    Bus lane camera removal, High Street Bloxwich
    The council should consider what social justice is achieved from having this camera in place, act to remove the camera completely and finally reimburse those previously charged with a fixed penalty notice and other costs that may have been incurred as a result. 
    Not Specified
    Friday, 16 October 2015
    Friday, 4 December 2015
    Erik Hughes
    This petition currently has 10 signatures in total.
    Petition Signatories
    10 electronic signatures
     Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 10 of 10.
    Hunt Elliot
    Ran Hughes
    Erik Hughes - Petitioner
    mike jennings
    Sharon Pointon
    Holly Sadler
    Christine Sadler
    Harris Sarah
    Adam Smith
    Richard Williams
    This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:
    A paper petition with regard to this matter has also been received containing over 500 signatures. The Council’s petition scheme provides “If your petition contains at least 500 signatories the relevant senior officer will give evidence at a public meeting of one of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The authority has determined that the response to such petitions must be given by either the Chief Executive, Executive Directors, Assistant Directors or Heads of Service. The Committee may also decide to call the relevant portfolio holder to attend the meeting.” Accordingly the Executive Director for Economy and Environment will be reporting to the Council’s Corporate and Public Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee in due course.
     Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 20.
    17/12/2015 16:58 Deborah Longley Response ApprovedResponse Published
    17/12/2015 16:57 Deborah Longley Response submitted for approvalResponse Awaiting Approval
    17/12/2015 16:54 Deborah Longley Response RejectedResponse Pending
    17/12/2015 16:53 Deborah Longley Response submitted for approvalResponse Awaiting Approval
    05/12/2015 00:05(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
    14/11/2015 18:33Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Hunt ElliotPetition Active
    13/11/2015 16:01Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Sharon PointonPetition Active
    21/10/2015 20:35Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Christine Sadler Petition Active
    18/10/2015 20:43Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Adam SmithPetition Active
    18/10/2015 07:45Unregistered UserPetition Signed: mike jenningsPetition Active



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