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Fix Narrow Lane Car Park (Opposite St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School)

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School is situated at the end of a small residential street, with a car park opposite the school.  The car park, which is owned by Walsall Council, mainly consists of severe craters which become frequently flooded.  For many years the car park has been occasionally, temporarily patched up by Walsall Council;  this temporary fix does not last for more than a few weeks each time.

Due to this issue, cars are becoming damaged, and the car park is difficult to walk on.  Additionally, children need to walk through water and mud to get to the school gates.  Therefore, some parents feel that they have no other option than to park on the residential street.  This causes extreme difficulty for cars to navigate through the blocked street, and poses significant risk to pedestrians and other cars.  Subsequently, both residents and parents are becoming understandably frustrated and concerned.

As a parent of two children attending this school, I am asking on behalf of the residents of Narrow Lane, and the parents of children attending the school, for Walsall Council to permanently fix this car park with tarmac.  This would reduce the risk of incidents occurring on both the car park and the residential street.

Not Specified
Friday, 1 December 2023
Monday, 1 April 2024
Samantha Reynolds
This petition currently has 141 signatures in total.
Petition Signatories
141 electronic signatures
 Page 1 of 15, items 1 to 10 of 141.
Natalie Aldridge
Dean Athersmith
Emma Athersmith
Sonia Athersmith
Nicola Baigent
Lee Baillie
Laura Bayliss
Keeley Berry
Nicki Bevan
Lee Bevan
This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:
 Page 1 of 15, items 1 to 10 of 149.
02/04/2024 00:00(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
21/03/2024 15:42Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Karl JackamanPetition Active
12/03/2024 18:17Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Joan JackamanPetition Active
23/01/2024 23:23Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Jaci SmallPetition Active
23/01/2024 21:08Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Dorrell FrostPetition Active
23/01/2024 19:31Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Jamie FleetPetition Active
23/01/2024 19:29Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Mary JenkinsPetition Active
23/01/2024 16:16Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Alvin CoxPetition Active
23/01/2024 16:00Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Martin LittlerPetition Active
16/01/2024 14:35Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Chloe ShermanPetition Active





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