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    • Details
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    • Response to Petition
    Grant The Dens Planning Permission

    The Walsall Music Den has been giving children and adults the gift of Music for 17 years. After a location move to better serve the communities which they have served, they have had to apply for planning permission for a change of use of the premises from offices to teaching use, which Walsall Council are considering as part of the planning application process.

    We, the students and parents of The Walsall Music Den, petition Walsall Council to grant them their teaching licence and planning permission so all the students at all ages can continue to do what they love.

    Thank you for considering this petition.


    Students and parents of The Walsall Music Den

    Not Specified
    Wednesday, 18 October 2023
    Saturday, 18 November 2023
    Walsall Music Den Students and Parents
    This petition currently has 338 signatures in total.
    Petition Signatories
    338 electronic signatures
     Page 1 of 34, items 1 to 10 of 338.
    Kate Abbott
    Olivia Adams
    Jason Addis
    Cope Allyson
    Charlotte Anson
    Christine APPLEBY
    David APPLEBY
    Sarah Apted
    Jack Arblaster
    Isobel Arblaster
    This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:

    Than yo for you e-petition Please  accep our apologies fothe delay in responding.


    I a pleased to advise that a 12-month temporary planning  permission for thpremises at 14 Norton Road, Pelsall was granted on 15 Novembe2023. 


    W are fully supportive of the business anhave worked proactively with them and their agent to grant this temporary permission, allowing us to monitor the use during the next 12 month to determine whether there  are any noise impacts on the immediate neighbours. The applicant can then apply to retain the use of th premiseon  permanen basis should n concerns  be raised.


    I trust that your request to support these proposals has been addressed and the gift of music continues.


    Dave Brown

    Executive Director

     Page 1 of 35, items 1 to 10 of 349.
    23/04/2024 14:22 Craig Goodall Response PublishedResponse Published
    23/04/2024 14:20 Craig Goodall Response ApprovedResponse Published
    23/04/2024 14:19 Craig Goodall  Response Awaiting Approval
    19/11/2023 00:00(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
    11/11/2023 11:43Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Judith SmithPetition Active
    11/11/2023 11:42Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Derek SmithPetition Active
    10/11/2023 18:49Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Neil GibbonsPetition Active
    10/11/2023 15:50Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Brittney BowenPetition Active
    10/11/2023 15:36Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Neil GreenPetition Active
    10/11/2023 14:41Unregistered UserPetition Signed: David CoomerPetition Active



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