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    • Details
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    • Response to Petition
    Do not build 1500 houses on the fields between Doe Bank Lane, Great Barr and Aldridge Road, Streetly.

    Refuse any planning application to build on the fields between Doe Bank Lane, Great Barr and Aldridge Road, Streetly.

    We call on Walsall Council to refuse planning permission to the 1500 Columba Park “development” or any like proposal.

    To build houses on these fields will have damaging consequences for the people who live in and around the area.

     It will:

    1. Destroy an area of natural beauty
    2. Destroy wildlife
    3. Damage the environment
    4. Blot the landscape around Walsall’s much-loved Barr Beacon
    5. Increase traffic congestion on the surrounding roads and junctions
    6. Increase the danger of traffic accidents through busier roads
    7. Overload local schools with higher demand for places
    8. Overload local GP services
    9. Put additional strain on police, fire and ambulance services
    10. Degrade the quality of life of existing residents
    11. Degrade the quality of life of future generations, yet to live in the area
    Not Specified
    Wednesday, 12 June 2019
    Tuesday, 31 December 2019
    Philip Hobley
    This petition currently has 419 signatures in total.
    Petition Signatories
    419 electronic signatures
     Page 1 of 42, items 1 to 10 of 419.
    Lynn Adams
    Jean Adams
    Julia Adly
    Paul Anderson
    Rajdip Anderson
    Jonathan Arnold
    James Aspinall
    P Bailey
    Bal Bains
    S Bains
    This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:

    The petition  requested  that,  refusal  be  given   to  any planning  application  to  build  on  the fields  between Doe Bank Lane, Great Barr and  Aldridge  Road, Streetly.

    The Council  is  required to  have  an  up-to-date  local  plan  to  meet the development  needs of its area, and  reflect the aspirations  of local  communities for at least the next 15  years. The current plan,  The Black Country Core Strategy, lasts until 2026 and  Dudley,  Sandwell, Walsall   and   Wolverhampton   Councils   are  currently   in   the  process  of  developing   the 2023 to 2038 plan called  The Black Country Plan.

    The Plan  is about ensuring adequate homes are  built of the  right types,  in the  right places, for  people  of all  incomes,  together with  a  thriving  economy  for future generations  by creating  jobs  and  improving  transport  and   infrastructure.  The  Plan   will  also   need  to continue to protect the important green and  natural  areas for people to enjoy.

    As part of the preparation of the Plan, the Council  has had to identify which pieces of land the owners might  be willing to put forward for development.  We have therefore carried out a 'call for sites'. Several  hundred sites  have been submitted,  and  these can  be viewed  on the web site  of the Plan at this  link:

    Currently, we  are in the process of assessing these sites  as well as other land,  in particular brownfield sites, which may be  available to meet development needs No decision about which sites  will  be allocated  in  the Plan  has been made, and  no planning  application  for this  particular site  has been submitted.

    The Counciintends to  consult about the draft Plan in late 2020. If you  wish to  be  kept informed  about  the progress of the  Plan   and   opportunities to  makrepresentations,  I would encourage you  to register your  details on  the web  site at this link:


     Page 1 of 43, items 1 to 10 of 428.
    06/02/2020 17:43 Deborah Longley Response ApprovedResponse Published
    06/02/2020 17:42 Deborah Longley  Response Awaiting Approval
    01/01/2020 00:03(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
    18/12/2019 11:23Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Tina JonesPetition Active
    16/10/2019 07:56Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Lyndon BennettPetition Active
    11/10/2019 21:13Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Charlotte HopkinsPetition Active
    08/10/2019 20:55Unregistered UserPetition Signed: albert meehanPetition Active
    07/10/2019 18:09Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Sue DaviesPetition Active
    07/10/2019 16:23Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Jillian BiddlestonePetition Active
    07/10/2019 08:44Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Kath MayoPetition Active



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